This is Arnold Circus, a bandstand and public space where I live. Sunday 18th was the celebration of it's centenary, with a day of music, stories, food and sharing (sharing of cake especially, brilliant). This amazing place is going to be one of the locations for my stories of Europe and travel to be told and sung on my return to the UK. This is a little snapshot of why I wanted to bring stories here...
new stories every day about the life of Arnold Circus and it's inhabitants. This very nice man (whose name I'm very sorry but can't remember) was giving out some of the stories at the picnic. War stories, immigration, changing and growing communities and even visits from a certain Mr W. Shakespeare are documented on the site.
Graphic designer Alexandre Bettler ( lives locally and the poems of Arnold Circus from his stand will be up on his site soon.
Being a bandstand, there was music all day at the circus, including by Eastend locals
Brassroots. They were all amazing but their Tuba player was practically inhuman, lips of steel, I think. If my computer starts behaving again, I'll upload a video soon...
Finally, this is a message from an Arnold Circus resident about the future of life here and elsewhere, which I loved. I can't wait to add my stories and songs to this place.