Thursday, 9 September 2010

Interaction at Vielle Font

This is Susannah (above centre), formerly known here as SST. Director, writer, singer, actor, organiser, fellow mosquito bite sufferer, sister, daughter. As well as supporting me through the erms, hmms and uurrghs of the planning of this project and then jolly well jumping on board with it, she also got her friends and family involved. 

Thus we ended up at Vielle Font, near Eymet in the Dordogne, staying with Jane (above left). Jane's mother, the inimitable Rose (above right), is Susannah's Godmother, as she and her husband Michael have been life-long friends of the family. 

I could say so much about the stories I was told, so many wonderful histories, many over glasses of wine. This blog, however, is going to be a little different, so the stories will come another time.

The performance at Vielle Font was a little different to those before and after it. Susannah's sister has begun to work, with a very personal passion, for a rather amazing charity called InterAct. They do really fabulous work, helping stroke patients. With such close personal ties, it seemed fitting to have InterAct as a focus for the performance in Jane's wonderful home. 

I want to again thank everyone who came personally, as they all donated so generously. It was such a lovely evening and it meant a lot to me, to Susannah, to Jane and to Rose.  
In the UK, the first InterActWest fundraiser, organised by Susannah and her sister, has just taken place and was a great success. 

If you happen to read this, please take a minute to follow the InterAct link and see what they do. 


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